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Look at what we're doing...

Friday, June 6, 2014

On Monday we celebrated "I" day by eating ice pops outside.  It worked out great since it was such a warm day .

In reading workshop we continued to read books in which the main character is writing letters.  We talked about author's craft and why the author wrote the books the way that he/she did.  We discussed what we learned about the main characters by reading the letters that they wrote.

In writing workshop we worked on writing letters that are really convincing.  We worked on including strong feelings and writing as if we were talking to the person we are writing the letter to.  We also discussed thinking of convincing reasons why you might want something and how to tailor those reasons to your readers.  It has been a lot of fun listening to their reasons!

In math we have been practicing adding numbers with sums to 10 and working on our addition and subtraction fluency through 5.
We learned more about the parts of a bean seed and how beans grow.  The children are so excited that some of our beans have sprouted!

We have also been practicing daily for our end of the year play with all our kindergarten friends.

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