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Look at what we're doing...

Friday, May 9, 2014

n reading we worked on thinking about what we are reading as we are doing it.  If too much time is spent on trying to sound out the words, then sometimes you forget what you were reading about. We also worked on rereading to make sure we understand what the author is telling us.  The children are so excited to be reading and want to read harder books.  We are working on choosing books that are a good fit.

 In writing we started a new unit on opinion/persuasive writing.  We talked about how writers can write to make the world a better place:  they see a problem, think of ways to solve it, then write to make it better.  We discussed that one way to get people to follow your idea is to give lots of reasons why they should follow it.  The more reasons you can give the reader, the more convincing you will be.  We talked about some ways that a writer can write different persuasive pieces- they can make a sign, a list, a book, or even write a petition.  Yes, your kindergarteners are learning how to write a petition!

In math we finished our unit on decomposing numbers 11 to 18.  We worked on problem solving and following directions, solving vertical addition and subtraction, and started a new unit on measurement.  It was a fun start to the unit using unifix cubes to measure things around the room...including partners!  The children really enjoyed this activity and worked well with their partners.

 Station Time

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