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Friday, May 16, 2014

This week in reading workshop we practiced reading strategies with a partner.  Partners can help each other to become better readers.  They help figure out unknown words using strategies such as: using picture clues, stretching out words, using context clues, looking at parts of the words, and asking if it makes sense.  Partners can listen to each other read, then retell the story to make sure they both understand what is happening.

 In writing workshop we continued our unit on persuasive writing.  We talked about how writers keep writing more and more to tackle the problems they've seen.  They write different types of pieces in different ways and they keep at it.   Did you know that some writers write songs to persuade people?The children found that idea quite interesting.  We also discussed that another way to make writing more convincing is to write about how the problem might get worse if they don't do something about it.

In math we worked on comparing objects by length and by height.  We also practiced measuring many things around our room using nonstandard units of measurements.

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